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Discover the latest digital transformation trends
Edition 14 - October 2023
Digital transformation
Successful digital transformation? Five pitfalls to avoid

This whitepaper gives you insights into how successful organisations approach digital transformation – with concrete tips, cases and five pitfalls you should avoid.

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New work: City of Mechelen
iO and City of Mechelen: pioneering digital transformation in Belgium

The renewed website will be developed on Drupal for Governments: a platform developed by iO that’s already used by 60 Dutch municipalities to deliver digital services.

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Completed work: Laika
What is the impact of extreme exposure to social media?

iO and Swedish insurer Länsförsäkringar built an exclusive AI tool to teach children about the many dangers of exposure to social media.

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iO Table Talks
Podcast: José Fernandez - CMO at D’Ieteren Automotive

In this podcast, host Brian Hirman engages in a conversation with José Fernandez from Belgian company D'Ieteren about the future of mobility services, the company's innovative DNA, and the continued promise of hyper-personalised communication.

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Upcoming event
Webinar: How AI can improve your business processes

AI’s added value extends further than you might think. For example, it can help you to make many of your business processes more efficient. Join Tom Van Mierlo to find out more on 30 November.

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Roel Vrenken-modified
About iO Table Talks
“Diverse industries with yet similar challenges. Very inspiring evening!”
- Roel Vrenken (Manager IT, information and datamanagement - Bouwend Nederland)
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